Chiropractic Health Associates

Dr. Chris Holze              
Doctor of Chiropractic                                 
2000 Larkin Ave. Suite 200, Elgin 60123               Phone:847-888-4770   

Chiropractic Health Associates is a chiropractic office that uses that latest technology to get people well. Depending on what their health problem might be, we will attempt to remove six major interferences to the body including allergies, emotional blocks, toxins, structural problems, electomagnetic pollution, and nutrition. One way we do this is through Dr. Brimhalls 10-step protocol. Another option is the new program called Living Well for Life that teaches patients about thinking well, mobility, eating well, vitamins, and playing well.

10-Steps to Wellness

10-Steps to Wellness enables one to bring their ailing body back to good health or to improve their over all wellness. This program accomplishes health by removing six major interferences to the body that cause disease or disease processes and these include: structural interference (subluxations of the spine, cranial bones, extremities, viscera, TMJ, fascia), electrical pollution (geopathic stress, electromagnetic stress and radiation), nutrition (insufficiency, deficiencies, imbalances, Ph-acid and alkaline imbalances), allergies/ sensitivities (inhaled, ingested, contacted, injected, infectants), emotion (negative belief systems, emotional traumas, negative habit patterns, shamed subconscious), detoxification (metabolic waste, free radical damage, heavy metal toxins, environmental pollutants, biological organisms, and digestive waste). I evaluate all these possible interferences into this program because any of these interferences can lead
to a disease process and the deterioration of one’s health. Wellness is not a destination it is a journey.

10-Steps to Wellness
Structural Interference

Step 1:
Remove Nerve Interference through
- Motion Palpation
- Static Palpation
- Percussor
- Adjustor
- Cold Laser
- Electrical Pollution

Step 2:
Rebalance Electromagnetics
-Nutrition- Total Enzymes
-Multi-polar magnets
-Mini Harmonizer
-Total Shield

Step 3:
Reset Adrenals and General Adaptative Syndrome

Step 4:
Repair Nutrition

Step 5:
Remove Infective Organisms

Step 6:
Replace Enzymes and/or Hydrochloric Acid

Step 7:
Reinoculate the Bowel Flora
- DSF or Destress Formula
- Total Enzymes- plant Enzymes
- Specific Nutrition for every organ and gland
- Total Probiotics
- Emotions

Step 8:
Remove Abnormal Emotional Patterns
- Books
- Feeling Buried Alive Technique
- Positive Point Therapy
- 5 Minute Phobia Cure
- Couples Integration
- Subliminal Tapes
- Ocular Release
- Color Therapy
- Allergies/Sensitivities

Step 9:
Remove/Reprogram Allergies and/or Sensitivities
- A/SERT Technique
- Adjustor
- Percussor
- Cold Laser

Step 10:
Remove Heavy Metals/Toxins
- Homeopathic Remedies
- Total Chelate
- Frequency Modulation
- Ioncleanse Foot Bath
- Infrared Sauna
- Cold Laser
- Cleanses
- Nutritional Support-Super Ox, Total Liver Detox, Total Systemic Detox
- Eating more Fruits and Vegetables- Total Protect and Total Veggie

What happens when you start the 10-Steps to Wellness Program?
1) The first thing that we need to do is to establish your level of health. This is accomplished through a detailed health history and patient questionnaire. The most important point on a map is the arrow that says “you are here”

2) The Exam and Tests Include: A complete evaluation of every body system to determine the presence of any of the six major interferences to the body and the extent of the interferences which might be leading to a disease process.

3) The Personal Action Plan:
- A balanced nutrition plan to help rebuild your body
- A report on the major health problem areas and possible causes
- A report on the treatment protocols and modalities needed to help the body reach optimal health

4) What is the cost?
- The initial exam fee is $200 and takes approximately one hour of time
- You get a free Health and Wellness guide and interactive CD that explains the treatment methods and modalities in detail.
- Visits are then priced by time determined by treatment needed that day.
-10 minute visit- $40
-20 minute visit- $80
-30 minute visit- $120
-30 minute visit with allergy desensitization- $150
-60 minute visit with allergy desensitization- $270

We treat people with conditions; not conditions that have people.

Living Well for Life

Living Well for Life enables one to age-proof their body. This program allows a person to learn how to think well (through motivation and education), maintain mobility (through Chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release and cold laser therapy), eat well (by learning how to eat a balanced diet), vitamins
(as insurance for supplying your body the nutrients you need), and play well (because a sedentary
lifestyle is more harmful than smoking). I incorporate all these steps into my practice because a preventative environment and preventative healthcare can eliminate most degenerative diseases.

Living Well for Life

Step 1: Think Well
-Knowledge is power
-Motivation and education

Step 2: Mobility

-Taking care of your spine, joints, and range of motion
-Decreased mobility can lead to degenerative diseases
-Chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release, cold laser therapy

Step 3: Eat Well

-Learn how to eat a balanced diet
-A balanced diet helps to age proof your body

Step 4: Vitamins

-The American Medical Association says everyone should be on a multiple vitamin
-As insurance for supplying your body the nutrients it needs

Step 5: Play Well

-A sedentary lifestyle is more harmful than smoking
-Exercise by walking or running and weight training
-You lose 2% of your muscle mass every year after the age of 40 if you don’t
weight train

Step 6: Don’t Quite

-Maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life
-If you could “get it all together” for an entire year, you will look better, feel better, and live longer.
You would never go back

What happens when you start the Living Well for Life Program?

1) The first thing that we need to do is to establish your true physical age. The most important point on a map is the arrow that says “you are here”

2) The Exam and Tests Include: weight, body mass index, body fat, measurements, pictures, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, blood pressure, heart rate, flexibility, range of motion, strength, and endurance tests and goals.

3) The Personal Action Plan:
- A Balanced nutrition plan to help rebuild your body
- Exercise and strengthening plan
- Supplements
- Chiropractic Care
- Establish the proper weight, BMI, and Body Fat
- Establish BP, target heart rate for exercise, and the time needed to reach these goals
- Personal plan that you can accept or modify
- The cost for the exam and personal report

4) Coaching
- Everybody needs a coach and accountability
- Doctor and staff supervision on a weekly basis
- A set appointment time to weigh in, get vital stats and turn in journaling for an evaluation. You will get a manual and journal to keep on a daily basis. This is accountability!
- 3 Levels of Health- Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Which one you reach will be determined by a point system from your journal. You earn points based on the number of Living Well for Life steps you take every day.

5) Education
- You get a 26 minute video to watch before your next appointment
- An 80-page Living Well for Life Manual
- A 3-CD album with 3 hours of information and motivation

6) A Multi-Vitamin
- We have a special Pharmaceutical grade Living Well Multi-Vitamin.
- To show you how important we consider this step- we will provide this to you as long as you are taking the vitamins and staying with the program. If your exam and tests reveal a need for other types of supplements it will be included in the plan and you can decide if you want them.

7) Preventative Chiropractic Care
- Your personal plan will include a recommendation of preventative care
and this is NOT in addition to your monthly fee- it is included!
- Minimal preventative chiropractic care would be a cost to you of at least $40 a month.
- The initial exam fee is $249.50 and that includes the blood test
- The preventative care, multi-vitamin and three additional diet and weight check ups is given to you at a value of $100 a month

What is the Monthly Fee?
- There is no fixed number of months you must remain on the program. For the monthly fee you will receive:
- Weekly monitoring and coaching
- A journal to keep strict records
- Our Living Well manual
- A 3-Cd education and motivational album
- A 26-minute video class
- Preventative Chiropractic Care
- A Pharmaceutical grade special formula multi-vitamin - A Bonus for Living Well
- After three months, it is time for a progress exam and report
- All Gold, Silver, and Bronze members will receive this ( Additional charge for blood test) free.

Living Well for Life!